Ian Lockwood of The Toole Design Group will return to Paris, Thursday, August 16th, to reveal their ‘master plan’ for downtown Paris.
However, before the revealing their final plan, consultants from Toole Design Group will be available to meet with anyone who wishes to come and share ideas, ask questions or view progress.
Meetings will be held in the upstairs meeting room at city hall (above the City Council chambers) and with consultants available to chat from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. before the final public meeting at 7:00 p.m.
The Toole Design Group was contracted earlier this year to assist in planning a revitalization for downtown Paris. Lockwood and his team redesigned downtown Sulphur Springs and are currently working with Commerce and TAMU-Commerce.
Ideas for downtown Paris were discussed at a meeting on June 28th, with the focus being on changing the one-way streets to two-way, adding bricks to the streets, lots of green space, and making the roadway flush with the curbs. The plans also showed an area from the Farmers Market through the library parking lot to Bywaters Parks being utilized in their plans.
Anyone interested in the growth and revitalization in downtown Paris is invited, and encouraged, to attend the August 16th meeting which will be held at City Hall starting at 7 p.m.