The Perseid Meteor Shower is set to peak next week, with the best showing in the early morning hours of Aug. 11-13, with a chance to see one per minute during its peak.
Due to no moon present during peak morning hours, 2021 will be an excellent year for stargazers to enjoy the lights streaking through the night sky. Primetime peak will be Aug. 11 into early morning Aug. 12.
Tips from
- To enjoy the Perseid meteor shower, just find a safe, dark location away from bright city lights.
- Lie down or recline with your feet facing roughly toward the north and lookup.
- The meteors appear to radiate from around the constellation Perseus, but they can streak across the sky anywhere above you.
The meteor shower retains its name as meteors will appear to be streaking from the constellation Perseus, named in honor of Perseus the Hero, even though the stars within its constellation are light-years away.