Despite a new romantic comedy on Netflix, The Wrong Paris, being based around Paris, Texas, filming won’t actually take place here.
The new show stars Miranda Cosgrove and Pierson Fode who previously starred together on the popular teen show, iCarly.
The story follows Dawn (Cosgrove) who finds herself desperate to get to Paris, France after a one-in-a-lifetime art opportunity.
With no funds to cover the cost of travel and living expenses, she decides to audition for a dating show, similar to The Bachelor set to be filmed in Paris, to cover expenses.
However, she soon learns the show is being filmed in Paris, Texas, not Paris, France.
Desperate to get kicked off the show, Dawn soon finds herself falling for the show’s bachelor, Trey (Fode).
Sadly, while the romantic comedy is based around a dating show set in Paris, Texas, production won’t actually take place in the small country town in northeast Texas.
Filming will take place in Vancouver, Canada, and Paris, France, and production is due to start later this year with a 2025 release.