On Monday, November 20 at 6:40am; Paris Officers worked several Burglary of Vehicles in SE Paris; around SE 24th and Hubbard Streets. One victim reported a Smith & Wesson M&P .40 Caliber semi-automatic, black in color handgun stolen from his vehicle. Video surveillance from the area captured at least three individuals, appearing to be juveniles wearing hoodies. Due to there being at least three individuals acting together during the burglaries, investigators are investigating an offense of Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity.
Monday, November 20 at 2:58pm; a Paris Officer, with knowledge of a subject being wanted; arrested 35-Year-old Aron Andrew Copeland in the 500 block of Bonham Street on three separate Felony Online Solicitation Minor Warrants out of Delta County and later transferred him to the Lamar County Jail.
Monday, November 20 at 5:08pm; a white Tahoe was reported stolen from the 1400 block of North Main Street. A Paris Officer observed the stolen Tahoe; activated overhead lights and caught up with the Tahoe as it continued traveling south on 271; passing other vehicles, evading police and intentionally and recklessly driving into oncoming traffic. A second Paris Patrol unit, got in front of the Tahoe, in an attempt to slow or stop it, was struck from behind causing significant damage to the patrol unit as the Tahoe began to lose control; striking a metal fence. 17-Year-Old Shainah Eternity Hicks of Pittsburg fail all Standardized Field Sobriety Tests; found to be in possession of Cocaine and was arrested and booked for Possession of Control Substance, Unauthorized use of Vehicle, Evading Arrest Detention with Vehicle, Aggravated Assault against Public Servant, Driving While Intoxicated, and 9 Separate Counts of Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon due to intentionally attempting to strike other vehicles that contained drivers and passengers.
Monday, November 20, 2023: Paris Police Department responded to 70 Calls for Service, Arrested 5 adult persons and made 8 Traffic Stops.