On Dec. 16 at 6:02 p.m., Officers responded to the 3800 block of Lamar in reference to a shoplifter. Erika Adriana Briseno (23) had intentionally failed to properly scan items at the register and then tried to leave the store. She was stopped by store personnel and detained. Briseno was taken into custody and booked for theft over 100 but less than 750. She was found to have outstanding city warrants as well.
On Dec. 16 at 10:55 p.m., Officers made contact with Wendi Prieto Cantillo (40) on a security check in the 1700 block of N. Main. Cantillo was found sitting in a running vehicle on the parking lot of a local club. Cantillo was extremely intoxicated and could not stand without assistance. He was arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated.
On Dec. 17 at 1:04 a.m., Officers stopped a vehicle in the 2600 block of S. Church on a traffic violation and made contact with Bernardo Augusto Rodriguez Suarez (43). He was found to be intoxicated and had an open container containing an alcoholic beverage in the vehicle with him. He was arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated.
On Dec. 16 at 10:10 p.m., Officers observed a vehicle driving recklessly in the 2000 block of N. Main. They stopped the vehicle and made contact with Jesus Amado Rodriquez. He was found to be intoxicated but refused all but basic field sobriety testing. He was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated.
On Dec. 15 at 11:00 p.m., an officer stopped Elijah Andrew Stolling (20) in the 3400 block of Pine Mill Road for illegal passing and defective equipment. Stolling was found tom be intoxicated and after failing DWI field test, was arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated.
On Dec. 15 at 7:31 a.m., several Burglaries of Business were reported at a shopping center in the 3800 block of Lamar Avenue. Thieves cut holes in the metal at the back of the businesses and made entry into several businesses where they stole various items of clothing. The investigation is ongoing.
On Dec. 15 at 7:43 a.m., a theft of a firearm was reported in the 1000 block of 33rd NE. The firearm was last seen approximately 10 days ago and was taken from inside a residence. There was no forced entry so the access to the residence was limited. The firearm was entered as stolen in data base and the investigation is ongoing.
On Dec. 16 at 2:04 a.m., Officers worked a disturbance in the 1700 block of W. Shiloh St. The victim advised officers that she had broken up with a boyfriend and that he had shot the window out of her vehicle with a bb gun, causing glass to strike her and cut her. Officers recovered a bb from the vehicle and made contact with the suspect, who denied the incident. Officers investigation is ongoing.
Officers made 33 traffic stops, 7 adult arrest, and answered 222 calls for service on for this reporting period November December 15-17, 2023