On Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. Lamar Electric will be converting part of a main feeder out of their Sherry Substation from 7,200 volts to 14,400 volts.
Crews will be converting transformers on FM 1700 from 1159 to Madras water well. This conversion is necessary to handle load growth.
“With 14,400 volts, we can serve twice the load with the exact same sized wire” said Lamar Electric General Manger and CEO, Jerry Williams.
In order to do the conversion, there will be a short interruption of service for 90 accounts. About 70 of those accounts should be off approximately one hour. The others may be off up to two hours.
Areas involved in the conversion are listed below.
“About a year ago we changed transformers on part of this feeder in anticipation of this conversion” said Lamar Electric Line Superintendent, Scott Sansom. “The new transformers are all dual voltage. This means our linemen will be changing a switch on each individual transformer from 7,200 volts to 14,400 volts.”
The voltage going into homes and businesses will be the exact same as before.
Linemen will have to reach these individual transformers by climbing poles or utilizing a bucket truck.
All of the Lamar Electric crews will be working on this conversion to make sure this process takes the least amount of time possible.
If bad weather occurs, this conversion will be postponed.
Areas affected by this conversion: FM 1699, FM 1158, FM 1700, CR 3220, CR 3275, CR 3202, CR 3205, CR 3200