Early numbers in the November 6th General Election put Brandon Bell ahead of Chuck Superville.
As the evening’s number developed, Superville was in no position to overcome Bell’s initial lead in early voting.
Thank you to the voters of Lamar County for allowing me to serve as the Lamar County Judge for the past 23 years. It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve as the Lamar County Judge, and, it has been an absolutely fantastic ride
The work has allowed me to grow both professionally and personally. For this great gift, I can never say thank you enough to the voters of Lamar County.
Also, I say, thank you to everyone who worked, supported, donated and voted for me in this election. I promise, that we worked very hard and did everything possible to win this election. But, it was not to be.
Congratulations to Brandon Bell on his victory. I extend a sincere and warm welcome for him to come by my office so that we can work together for a smooth transition from my departure to his arrival. I wish nothing but the best for Brandon.
Working together over the last many years, we have accomplished a great many things. The tax rate is low, fund balances are healthy, and Lamar County is a superbly functioning organization. I feel comfortable in saying that I am leaving Lamar County Government in as good, if not better, condition than when I arrived many years ago.
Thank you again for the great privilege and honor of having allowed me to serve as your Lamar County Judge.
Chuck Superville