Paris residents, start gathering up all that paper, plastic, aluminum, tin, and cardboard you’ve been saving because the City of Paris Recycling program is back.
The City of Paris Recycling program was suspended in mid- March when the Choctaw Recycling Center shut their doors due to COVID-19. Now that the Choctaw Center has reopened our City’s recycling program can restart too, but with a few modifications.
There will no longer be blue recycling collection bins located around Paris. Instead, there will be one centralized and monitored recycling drop off location at the City of Paris Compost site at 705 Field Street.
This site will be open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. – noon and 1:30 – 4:30 p.m., and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. A current City of Paris water bill and valid driver’s license must be presented to the site attendant before recycling can be dropped off.
The kinds of materials accepted for recycling remain the same as they were previously. These include plastics (1, 2 and 5 types), magazines, junk mail, newspapers, phone books, shredded paper, cardboard, empty printer ink cartridges, aluminum and tin cans, and Styrofoam. There is no need to sort any of these recyclables before they are dropped off. All sorting is done at the Choctaw Recycling Center.
Batteries, chemicals, paint, furniture, household trash, appliances and glass will not be accepted.
“When the City of Paris recycling program was launched in 2016 our community really stepped up to make it a success. We know the recent suspension of the program was difficult, and we appreciate everyone’s patience while we worked out the relaunch details. Now that the program is about to start back up in this new format we hope our citizens will make it even more successful than it was before,” said the City of Paris Traffic and Sanitation Superintendent Edwayne Samis.