It’s a bargain hunters dream —over 400 miles of yard sales on one stretch of road held over two days.
The annual Hwy 82/287 Yard Sale will be held on Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4.
There will be yard sales, garage sales, sidewalk sales, farmers markets and flea markets in participating communities covering 425 miles of the Hwy 82/287.
The Red River Valley Tourism Association said the list of towns participating so far include Nocona, Henrietta, Paris, Forestburg, Detroit, Clarksville, Honey Grove, Gainesville, and Bowie.
So, how does it work? Along the way, participating town will have maps available guiding shoppers to the special sales sites throughout their communities. Some towns will have yard sales set up at a central location, or spread throughout the community. Still, others will showcase their downtown merchants or their flea markets/trade days. In most communities, sellers DO NOT set up along the highway.
For more information, maps and info, click here
If you, your organization or community plans to host a garage sale, yard sale, sidewalk sale, etc., comment below and it will be added to the list.
Garage Sales in and around the Paris Area, so far:
- Multi-Families will be set up at the Tabernacle building in Detroit, Texas
- 180 E Garner St., Detroit, TX 75436
- Paris Newcomers Club – Saturday 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
- 1910 Silverleaf Dr, Paris TX 75462
- Bethel Baptist Church – June 3 &4 (10 miles from S.E. Loop 286 on FM 905)
- 7 a.m.-12 p.m.
- 13086 FM 905, Pattonville
Participating communities include:
- New Boston – Pavilion at 1 Trail Head Park Plaze –
- Clarksville – Vintaj Cowgirl, 120W. Main St –
- Detroit – Community Center, 105 SW 1st St – Little Motor City Detroit, TX
- Reno – Watch for sales along HWY 82 in Reno –
- Paris – Chamber of Commerce, 8 West Plaza Downtown –
- Honey Grove – Gazebo S. side of Downtown –
- Bonham – Visitor Center Downtown, 327 N. Main –
- Gainesville – Chamber of Commerce, 311 S. Weaver St –
- Lindsay – Don Lucky Tri-State Real Estate, 1001 N. Pecan –
- Muenster – Muenster Antique Mall, 405 E. Division Street –
- Saint Jo – Dairy Queen, HWY 82 –
- Nocona – Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum, 1522 E. HWY 82 –
- Henrietta – Chamber of Commerce, 202 W. Omega Street –
- Bowie – Watch for sales along HWY 287 including downtown –
- Quanah –1009 West 11th/Hwy 287… “Saturday Only” – City of Quanah, Texas