Home LOCAL NEWS Selective Service website crashes amid panic over military draft

Selective Service website crashes amid panic over military draft

by MyParisTexas
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Selective Service System said on Twitter its website was receiving high traffic volume ‘due to the spread of misinformation’

On Friday, the Selective Service website crashed because of “the spread of misinformation,” the agency said.

“Due to the spread of misinformation, our website is experiencing high traffic volumes at this time. If you are attempting to register or verify registration, please check back later today as we are working to resolve this issue. We appreciate your patience,” the Selective Service tweeted Friday.

In the aftermath of the US drone strike that killed the Iranian general Qassem Suleimani in Baghdad, the phrase “World War III” began trending on social media and, in turn, the Selective Service website crashed.

The Selective Service System is a US government agency which registers young men for a potential military draft.

However, despite widespread fears of a draft, the agency said it is conducting business as usual.

“In the event that a national emergency necessitates a draft, Congress and the President would need to pass official legislation to authorize a draft,” they said. 

All male U.S. residents between the ages of 18 and 25 must register with the Selective Service. Women are not required to do so, as the current language used by the Selective Service only refers to “male persons.” However, registering with the Selective Service does not necessarily mean that a person will be drafted. The draft process was last used during the Vietnam War. Following the war, the United States Military pivoted to become an all-volunteer force.

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