On April 27, 2021 Paris Junior College will join over 195 nonprofit organizations throughout north and east Texas as part of East Texas Giving Day.
East Texas Giving Day is an 18-hour online event that provides critical funding for our area. The purpose of an area-wide Giving Day is to bring the region together on one day and as one community, raising money and awareness for local needs.
“Thanks to donor assistance, it has become very accessible to further my professional skills while working two full time jobs so that I can advance in my industry, ultimately to make a better life for myself in the future,” said PJC education major Jaicey Pruett of Paris.
On April 27, from 6 a.m. to midnight, PJC alumni, former students, friends, businesses, and everyone with a passion to help others are invited to make a gift, large or small, at www.easttexasgivingday.org/pjc to invest in the lives of PJC students. By logging in at this web address, your gift is directed specifically to PJC.
“Gifts to PJC will go to the greatest needs fund,” PJC President Dr. Pam Anglin said. “In challenging times like these, the basic needs of PJC students continue to grow and we want to assist our students in reaching their goals.”
Gifts are tax deductible and may be made with a cell phone, iPad, desktop computer, laptop computer, or any device with internet accessibility at the website listed. If preferred, a check may be mailed to Baleigh McCoin, PJC East Texas Giving Day, 2400 Clarksville Street, Paris, TX 75460-6258. Gifts from local donors or cash gifts may be made by contacting McCoin at 903-782-0276 or bmccoin@parisjc.edu.
The college will use its social media channels to encourage East Texas Giving Day participation and is asking those who use social media to like, share, or forward messages to help spread the word, or forward emails about the campaign to their friends.
Photo cutline: Paris Junior College has continued to provide both face-to-face and online instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, striving to educate students while keeping them safe. Challenges for the College and students have never been greater, and the community has an opportunity to support these efforts through East Texas Giving Day.