At their meeting on Monday, Nov. 25, the Paris Junior College Board of Regents learned that the college is looking for ways to reduce in textbook costs for students.
“For several years we’ve been looking for ways to reduce textbook costs for our students,” said PJC President Dr. Pam Anglin. “We’re learning that nationwide, because of the rising cost of textbooks, about 45 percent of students will go through a semester without books because they can’t afford them.”
In other business, the Regents:
• Received the financial report from Controller Keitha Carlton, who said that audit field work had been completed.
• Were shown the Texas Pathways 2019 Award received recently from the Texas Success Center and congratulated hard work by staff and faculty.
• Recognized students who were in the Drama Department production of “Gilligan’s Island: The Musical.”
• Accepted the employment of Instructor of Associate Degree Nursing Courtney Mills, effective Jan. 2, and the resignation of Database Administrator Randy Ginther, effective Dec. 31.