On Oct. 29 at 12:51a.m., officers were advised of a “Road Rage” incident which occurred on Lamar Avenue. The suspect had intentionally rammed the victim’s vehicle with their own several times starting in the 6100 block of Lamar Avenue then again in the 3700 block of Lamar. The suspect vehicle was spotted by Texas DPS and stopped in the 2600 block of Lamar shortly afterwards. The driver was identified as Luis George Calvillo-Castro. He was arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and taken to jail. There were no injuries.
On Oct. 11:20 p.m., officers responded to a minor accident in the 3800 block of NE 47th. Suspect, Tina Brantley had struck a mailbox there. Brantly refused to perform field sobriety test so a warrant for her blood was obtained. She was found to be intoxicated and was arrested and charged with DWI.
10/29 On Oct. 29 at 5:35 a.m., officers responded to the 1900 block of Lamar Avenue and found the windows broken out on a business there. Officers made contact with Trinity Glen Gilbert a short distance away. Gilbert was acting as if he was intoxicated. He became confrontational and then attempted to flee on foot. He was taken into custody after a short foot pursuit. Video showed Gilbert intentionally damaging the windows of the business in the original call. He was charged with Public Intoxication, Evading Arrest, and Criminal Mischief.
On Oct. 28 at 5:13 a.m., officers responded to a burglary of business in the 3500 block of Lamar Avenue. They made contact with the suspect, Mark Craig Truong Le, on scene and discovered that he had kicked in the front glass of the business and had entered it. Le was arrested for Burglary of a Building.
On Oct. 28 at 4:48 p.m., a family disturbance in the 500 block of SE 15th resulted in the arrest of Kelsey Edward Vaughn. The victim at the location advised that Vaughn had assaulted her. Victim said that Vaughn, took her phone and refused to return it, then pushed her to the ground, grabbed her by the throat and choked her, dragging her along the floor. Victim exhibited evidence of the assault. Vaughn was on scene and was arrested for Assault on a Family Member by Impeding Breath or Circulation, a Felony.
On Oct. 29 at 3:46 a.m., officers responded to a Burglary of Habitation in the 300 block of NW 4th St. The victim advised that he had left his keys in the vehicle of a known acquaintance before going to a club. He believes that the person used the key to enter his residence and steal computers, a phone, and shoes. The investigation will continue.
On Oct. 29 at 7:00 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 200 block of NW 12th St. The vehicle, a green 1985 Dodge Pickup, was taken from the side of the street approximately 10 minute prior to the call being received. Several occupants of the victim’s household said they heard the vehicle start up but did not see who took it. The owner advised there was no lien on the vehicle and denied leaving the keys in the vehicle. The incident was reported to the NE Texas Auto Theft Task Force.
Officers made 58 traffic stops, 14 adult arrest, and answered 275 calls for service on for this reporting period October 27-30, 2023