On Monday, May 20 at 4:15am; Paris Officers were making Security Checks in Southwest Paris due to several vehicles being burglarized in the area. Contact was made with an owner of a pickup with an open door in the 200 block of SW 29th Street. The owner determined that his .22 caliber revolver pistol with red grips had been stolen. A blue impact drill was also missing. The drill was located and recovered from the 2900 block of West Kaufman Street and returned to the owner.
On Monday, May 20 at 11:59am; a victim came to the Police Department and stated to a Community Service Officer that on Saturday her ex-boyfriend had unlawfully entered into her apartment in the 1200 block of NE 20th Street and stole a $2000 bedroom set, a $600 four-piece entertainment center and a $600 Samsung 55” TV while she was at work. The items are in her name and are being rented from a Rent-A-Center. A Felony Burglary of Habitation report was taken to be investigated.
Monday, May 20; Paris Police Department responded to 73 Calls for Service, Made 4 Adult Arrest and Initiated 25 Traffic Stops.