Paris ISD principals named winners for the August GROWL Awards “Getting Results from Outstanding Wildcat Leaders.” Winners are Shelby Stone, Verlincia Jones, Lisa Justiss, Walker Preston, Jessica Vines, Roderick Mitchell, Brittany Dingman, and Cedric Williams.
Superintendent Althea Dixon and Assistant Superintendent Caleb Tindel conducted a drawing for grand prizes sponsored by Pay It Forward – Mathews Auto Group. Brittany Dingman and Verlincia Jones each received $250. The remaining winners received $15 gift certificates from Applebee’s.
Top Photo: (Pictured left to right) Assistant Superintendent Caleb Tindel, PHS Assistant Principals Sabrina Day and Mike Henry, Julie Anderson, Brittany Dingman. Tim Anderson with Mathews Auto Group, Superintendent Althea Dixon, and PHS Assistant Principal Brock Blassingame.
Bottom Photo: (Pictured left to right) Assistant Superintendent Caleb Tindel, Superintendent Althea Dixon, Julie Anderson, Verlincia Jones, T. G. Givens Instructional Coach Kim Miller, and Tim Anderson with Mathews Auto Group.