Dave Campbell’s Texas Football, the legendary chronicle of Texas high school football since 1960, annually selects only five student-athletes from around the state to be spotlighted with its prestigious Unsung Hero Award presented by Texas Farm Bureau Insurance.
The Award recognizes special young people who represent their team, school, family, and community in a way that truly sets them apart.
At Friday night’s football game, Dave Campbell’s Texas Football came out to celebrate one of those deserving young people, Paris High School football player Keivarius Cooper.
Thanks to the support of Texas Farm Bureau Insurance, Cooper will receive $500 in tuition assistance to the college of his choice and will be spotlighted later this year during the UIL State Football Championships in Arlington.
Pictured left to right: Rodeshia Johnson, PHS Principal Chris Vaughn, Texas Farm Bureau Agent Josh Brewer, Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Agency Manager of Lamar County Jayson Coward, Keivarius Cooper, Texas Farm Bureau agents Victoria King, and Bryan Yosten.