Paris Chief of Police Bob Hundley on Tuesday announced his retirement after 45-years with the department.
“I have enjoyed working at the department these many years in several different assignments. I don’t think anyone misses the work, what I will miss is the feeling you get when you help someone with a problem,” said Hundley. “I will miss these men and women who provide service without question the most. I have been considering and planning for retirement for the last 8-9 months and it seemed I was coming up with a different date every month I continued to work. I had set July 1 as a goal and finally figured out there is never a good date to go, so just do it.”
Hundley said he discussed his retirement on Tuesday morning with City Manager Grayson Path.
“In the short time I’ve worked with Mr. Path, I have found him to be sincere and genuine. I think he will be a great fit for the city and am sorry I have added to his workload.”
Hundley has served in the role of police chief since August 10, 2009.
Chief Bob Hundley has submitted his resignation from the Paris Police Department effective July 3rd, 2020, taking retirement.