Paris residents on Monday expressed their outrage after a series of videos posted to YouTube showed two men mocking locals for giving them money.
The YouTube account, Kevin Rogers documents six videos posted over the past month in which two men share stories of panhandling and mocking residents of Paris, Texas. (WARNING: These videos contain strong language)
In one video titled, ‘Family is for suckas’ a man states he hears at least five times a day “get a job” while standing on street corners in Paris panhandling.
He then says, “Oh they like them words. Oh by the way Paris Texas so you know, you can’t **** with me the way you used to. I’m not littering and you not gonna get me locked up. **** you.”
As the videos began to circulate on Monday, many residents shared their disgust in the videos online calling for more action to be taken against panhandling in Paris.
“Y’all gotta stop giving these guys money. This is horrible.”
“Y’all are giving these folks your money to make fun of you. Ya better stop.”
“What a joke this is the guys y’all give money to in Paris texas. PLEASE STOP giving them money.”
“These are the guys you see in Paris, their making fools of good people.”
Earlier this week, a photo circulated on social media of the two men on the corner of NE Loop 286 and Lamar Avenue with a sign that read, ‘2 UGLY 2 PROSTITUTE 2 STUPID 2 STILL” (presumably “steal”).
And while some locals got a laugh out of the sign, others were upset at the two seemingly “making fun of” locals who dug deep to help those in need.
At the most recent Paris City Council meeting on Jan. 27, a panhandling ordinance was discussed.
According to City Attorney Stephanie Harris, as a result of a 2015 Supreme Court ruling that designated panhandling as protected free speech, any panhandling ordinance would likely be unconstitutional.
The City Council directed staff to look into regulating other areas of concern, such as traffic safety, that may discourage panhandling in certain areas.
PHOTO: Submitted/YouTube