Chisum High School Cheerleaders are fundraising once again for Childhood Cancer Awareness month all through September.
Head coach Mandy Brooks said that the team is aiming to hit a more significant number than last year.
“We are well on our way to beating our goal from fundraising at the first home game this year,” said Brooks.
The team donated $500 last year to the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas.
“The team fundraisers at the home football games during half time,” she explained, “they really get into the spirit of it all as they also wear yellow bows, shirts and use yellow poms in support of childhood cancer.”
It’s not just about fundraising, some of the team have also been hit with effects that cancer can have on their family.
“Cancer has affected my family a lot, and my cousin has cancer, and I lost my dad to cancer, so this has meant a lot to my family and touched close to home, I have enjoyed being a voice and being able to help the cause,” Kat Nowell, Chisum cheerleader, said of the fundraising she and her team have been doing.
After the team donated to the hospital in Dallas last year, Brooks said that they had received a thank you note which she didn’t expect.
“It was great to have received that thank you letter, and the name that we donated the money in was MiKyla Pickering a former North Lamar student who succumbed to the disease. Her siblings Carley and Cable Pickering are both students at Chisum now, and their mom had helped us find the hospital as a donation recipient,” Brooks explained.
If you can’t make a home game to throw a few pennies in the bucket, you can contact Mandy Brooks at Chisum High School via her email; to donate and help the team beat their goal this year.
“Being able to help children from our community and even our district has meant a lot to me, I have been so blessed to see the community come through at our home football games with donations to Children’s Medical in Dallas,” Brooke Bridges Chisum cheerleader said of fundraising for this years’ donation drive.