If you missed the peak of the Southern Delta Aquariid meteor shower last night, you’re in luck, because the Alpha Capricornids will peak tonight.
There are currently three active meteor showers – Southern delta Aquariids, alpha Capricornids and Perseids.
The Alpha Capricornids are particularly known for producing fireballs—exceptionally bright meteors that can briefly shine as bright as the moon
The Southern delta Aquariids are active from July 18 to Aug. 21, peaking on July 29/30.
The Delta Aquariids are another strong shower best seen from the southern tropics. North of the equator the radiant is located lower in the southern sky and therefore rates are less than seen from further south. These meteors produce good rates for a week centered on the night of maximum. These are usually faint meteors that lack both persistent trains and fireballs. In 2024, moonlight will be a minor factor from the waning crescent moon which rises in the early morning hours. If the moon is above your horizon when viewing this shower, simply view more toward the southwestern sky.
The alpha Capricornids are active from July 7 to Aug. 15 and will peak tonight, July 30/31.
The Alpha Capricornids are active from July 7 through August 15 with a “plateau-like” maximum centered on July 31st. This shower is not very strong and rarely produces in excess of five shower members per hour. What is notable about this shower is the number of bright fireballs produced during its activity period. This shower is seen equally well on either side of the equator.
The Perseids are active July 14 to Sept. 1 and will peak Aug. 11/12.
The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower as they peak on warm August nights as seen from the northern hemisphere. The Perseids are active from July 14 to September 1. They reach a strong maximum on August 12 or 13, depending on the year. Normal rates seen from rural locations range from 50-75 shower members per hour at maximum. The Perseids are particles released from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle during its numerous returns to the inner solar system. They are called Perseids since the radiant (the area of the sky where the meteors seem to originate) is located near the prominent constellation of Perseus the hero when at maximum activity. In 2024, the half illuminated moon will set near 1am local daylight saving time. This is a favorable coincidence as this is the time that strong activity begins to occur from this shower.