Paris Junior College tuition and fees are slightly below the state average, and Monday evening, Feb. 22, the Board of Regents approved keeping the same rates for the 2021-2022 academic year.
“We’re recommending that we keep the same tuition and fee rate,” said PJC President Dr. Pam Anglin. “We’ve looked at what surrounding community colleges charge. I’ve talked to other community college presidents around the state, and they’re not planning on going up on their tuition and fees. Our reasoning is with this pandemic is our students are struggling more than ever before. We feel it is important that we keep the amount the same; otherwise, we would keep some students from being able to come to college.
Regents also learned during the President’s Report that the Texas Association of Community Colleges will ask the legislature to prevent any community college from losing any money in the next biennium appropriation and that $19.6 million to be added to the community college appropriation to hold them harmless.
The college continues campus COVID-19 protocols. While free COVID testing on campus was shut down last week by the winter storm, it will continue to be available.
PJC nursing students continue to give vaccinations at the Love Civic Center. This Friday, they will give 1,400 vaccinations and the same amount on Saturday. PJC Director of Nursing Rebbecca Harris is coordinating the students. The vaccination data entry group this past Saturday was made up almost entirely of PJC retirees.
Enrollment for the second 8-week flex term is 333 students versus 231 one year ago.
• Received a Financial Report from Controller Cody Helm showing that while tuition and fee revenue is down from the prior year due to the pandemic’s effect on enrollment, there are increased tax revenues and lower expenditures, so revenue is $6,510,299 over expenses.
• Approved a two-year extension of the depository agreement with Guaranty Bank and Trust for two additional years. The college must review the agreement every odd-numbered year in February, and if the same terms are agreed to, the contract may be extended for two years.
• Continued waiving a portion of dual credit tuition and fees. The rates will remain unchanged from the previous year.
• Accepted the hiring of Heidi Richards as Director of the Paris Junior College – Greenville Center, effective March 1, 2021.
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