Earlier this afternoon, Lamar County Sheriff Scott Cass was presented a check from a local business to cover 27 life-saving trauma kits.
“Load Trail contacted us wanting to know what our officers need to help keep them safe,” said Adopt-A-Cop president Amanda Willows. “I told them we were working on trauma kits for LCSO,”
The trauma kits have proved to be life-saving, with an officer in Pennsylvania recently saving his own life with a trauma kit after being shot multiple times
“These kits can be carried on them and are filled with potentially life-saving medical supplies for traumatic injuries,” said Willows.
Without hesitation, Load Trail stepped forward and donated 27 trauma kits so that all deputies will have one to carry in case of emergency.
“Load Trail stands behind our men and women in blue and has been a tremendous help to Lamar County Adopt A Cop and our mission,” added Amanda.
“We are so blessed to have such a caring and supportive community.”