Home LOCAL PARIS If you trust the predictions of persimmons, Lamar County is in for a snowy winter

If you trust the predictions of persimmons, Lamar County is in for a snowy winter

by MyParisTexas
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There are certainly stranger ways to predict how winter will turn out, but for many cracking open a persimmon seed will reveal what is ahead.

“According to old-timers, persimmon seeds can be used to predict the severity of winter weather,” said The Farmers’ Almanac, “by opening the seed, a “knife“, “fork“, or “spoon” could be seen ultimately predicting winter weather ahead.”

If the kernel is spoon-shaped, expect plenty of snow to shovel. If it is fork-shaped, plan on a mild winter with powdery, light snow. If the kernel is knife-shaped, expect frigid winds that will “cut” like a blade.

So, what does the persimmon predict for Lamar County? Expect plenty of snow! 

That’s right. Many locals have reported seeing a spoon when they opened a persimmon seed this year. In fact, not one person has reported seeing anything other than a spoon.

If you believe the seeds, the prediction is a windy, snowy cold winter. Combine this with the fact that The Farmer’s Almanac predicted a rough winter ahead months ago, and this does not bode well for people who hate snow!

Enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather while it lasts…we could be in for a white Christmas!

Photo: Persimmon Hill/Raintree Nursery

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