Do you know Matt from Paris, Texas? The reason we ask is because Matt is said to have gone above and beyond while on vacation at Hollywood Studios in Florida., where he gifted a young Stars Wars fan a birthday present.
Shirley Wetherald posted on the Facebook page, Annual Passholders Walt Disney World Resort, hoping to find Matt; the man who helped make a family day out that much more special.
“Had a great time with my Padawan. On our way back to our car, we met Matt from Paris Tx, on the tram and he had one of the expensive LightSabers, so I whispered to Liam [Shirley’s son], look he has a LightSaber,” Wetherald posted, “from there we struck up a conversation.”
The short ride in the tram back to their respective parked cars also turned into the same stop. As they began to disembark, they continued to exchange pleasantries which turned into a surprise for both Liam and his mom.
“My son told him that he was saving up to get his on his birthday and that he already had $80,” she said.
“As we were getting off the tram he politely asked me if he could give my son an early birthday gift, and I was a bit hesitant but said sure, so he gets his wallet out, and honestly I thought he was going to give him like a Star Wars card or something like that. But no, he took out cash and gave it to my son and just said, ‘here you go buddy, go make your lightsaber and have fun,’” she further explained.
Needless to say, Wetherald was speechless. She stood there in disbelief, at the kind gesture that bestowed upon her son.
“All I could think was, why are you doing this, why the generosity? she said.
All Matt said to Shirley was he felt he needed to do it, besides that he had been at Universal and they talked him into going to a timeshare presentation and had just gotten cash out.
“That is when I asked his name and where he was from. Then he showed us a picture of his little 2-year old daughter,” she said.
Matt had also divulged that he was taking a pay cut with his job to which would allow him to spend more time with his daughter. The shift worker, only known as Matt to Wetherald and her son, left an impact on them both for showing such kindness on that day.
Wetherald said that the money he gifted was tucked neatly away until February when Kiam will celebrate his birthday with the new LightSaber.
For now, Wetherald said that she hoped that her post may find its way to Matt and she can reconnect with him to say “thank you” once again for the generosity and kindness he showed her and her son.