Wedding Date: Friday, March 23rd, 2018
Tell us about the proposal: Chad knew I loved baseball and that my favorite player was Pudge Rodriguez, so he got tickets to propose to me on the night Pudge was being inducted in the Hall of Fame! He waited till the 7th inning (because that was Pudge’s number, 7) he made a ring box out of a baseball and when the 7th inning started he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.
He even had asked the couple in front of us to video but they got kicked out of the game in the 5th inning. There were two rain delays and in one I went to get a drink and he arranged for someone else to record the proposal. After I said “YES” he handed me a baseball that he wrote Song of Solomon 3:4 “I have found the one my soul loves” with our initials and date of the proposal! He also had white carnation (my favorite flowers) with rhinestones and gave them to me!
What’s been the hardest thing when planning the wedding: The hardest thing with planning a wedding, I feel, is just not wanting to hurt other people’s feelings and making sure to include everyone you love. I would also say the little details that sneak up on you.
Congratulations Chad and Amy on your upcoming nuptials.