Home MPT InstaNews Texas has billions pledged to expand broadband. Spending it is taking a while.

Texas has billions pledged to expand broadband. Spending it is taking a while.

by Jamy Wyatt
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Despite the efforts of local governments and others, the move to provide internet access to millions of Texans has been slow and faces new challenges.

Texas has only just begun to spend billions

“It’s a huge amount of money,” Sherrill said. “It would be so sad to see our communities get passed over and not get a shot at being funded because of an inaccurate map. But I think it will happen in some cases.”

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Source: Jayme Lozano Carver, Carlos Nogueras Ramos and Berenice Garcia, The Texas Tribune

Photo: The Texas broadband office selected two counties in 12 different regions of the state to be awarded grant funding to build internet infrastructure. Credit: Texas Comptroller website

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