The Reno City Council recently amended Article 12.03 subsection 12.03.001(b) city parking ordinance, that will now prohibit parking a vehicle within 15-feet of a mailbox on the public street.
“We’re trying to help access to emergency vehicles, and mail delivery services,” Reno City Mayor Bart Jetton said.
He added that they (council) heard concerns from a majority of people in the city and hopes this addresses those concerns. Jetton also expressed that he along with the council hopes this benefits the city as a whole.
The ordinance amendment reads;
Section 1: Article at Section 12.03.001(b) is Amended to add the following language:
“Within fifteen (15) on feet the street side (side where the mail is delivered) of a mailbox”
Section 2: This particular prohibition will be added as (b) (10) and does not otherwise impact the Parking Regulations contained in Article 12.
Section 3: This Amendment to Article 12.03 is effective as of the day of passing and any and all fines and penalties applicable to parking violations in the City of Reno hereby apply to Section (b)(10).
As far as enforcing the ordinance Reno Police Chief Jeremy Massey said, “If we receive a complaint because a postal worker who can’t deliver to a mailbox an officer will then make contact with the violator and request voluntary compliance.”
Reno resident Mossie Kines said that he was in favor of the ordinance, but wondered why it wasn’t given a time frame.
“I’m not against the parking, I just don’t understand why it can’t be within business hours,” Kines said, “being enforced 24-hours makes it difficult for people who have multiple cars to park especially when the cars won’t all fit in a driveway.”
The ordinance also stated that the city determined that restricted parking in certain parts of the city provides for the Health and Safety of Citizens.