The Paris Police Department will be hosting its 12th Citizens Police Academy starting Oct. 11 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. for four consecutive Tuesday evenings.
Due COVID-19 restrictions, Paris PD wasn’t able to host the academy in 2021.
“The academy is for anyone that is interested in getting to know the internal functions of the Police Department and to get to know the officers,” said Paris PD. “Once you have graduated from the academy, you will have the opportunity to join the CPA alumni and help the officers with different projects.”
The alumni has saved the citizens of Paris several thousand dollars in overtime expenses over the past 10 years.
“So, if you want to get to know our awesome officers on a more personal level and become a volunteer to help with projects, please print off the attached application and fill it out. You can either bring it to the Police Department and drop it off or call me at 903-737-4111 and I will be glad to make arrangements to get it picked up. We look forward to getting to know you and working with you in the future.”