Lamar County Conservative President Robert Black has stepped up to the plate to host Paris’ Fourth of July parade this year.
Black said he could not stand around and allow himself to talk about his disappointment after hearing there was going to be no fireworks, parade or “any other patriotic event as a community.”
“In times like this, I recall the bravery that was at center stage when men and women put their lives on the line to gain freedoms instead of just complain about the tyranny they were facing. It is easy to talk about what we do not like,” Black said. “Today we must do more than talk, we must again be people of action and I see no better way than our community coming together and celebrating as we have always done – by waving our Flags and playing our patriotic anthems for all to hear. For the saying is true for too many things – ‘Only in America!’ For God, then country.”
The parade’s route will wrap through downtown, as parades’ past; line-up will start at Lamar County Courthouse, exit the courthouse’s parking lot and head South on N.W. 1st Street, then turn West onto Bonham Street, then back South onto S.W. 3rd Street and East onto Grand Ave. and Clarksville Street.
The parade will continue on Clarksville Street, and turn North on S.E. 12th Street, then back West toward the courthouse on Lamar Ave. The final turn for the parade will be on North Main Street, turning back into Lamar County Courthouse’s parking lot.
“It is simple to reside in a state of complacency as we celebrate our Nation’s 245th Birthday and to take our freedoms for granted,” Black said. “Across the Nation we are experiencing an alarming extent of cancel culture at the worst possible time.”
He continued to say there is a war going on, being fought with propaganda, “used to divide us based on differing views, beliefs, cultures, and physical traits all because the enemy hates this free republic called the United States of America.
“Today more than ever before we need to stand tall as a united people, fighting for what our Flag stands for,” Black said. “In America, we believe in life, liberty, and justice for all.”
Everyone is welcome to participate in the upcoming Fourth of July Parade, and there are no entry fees to join. The parade will start at 10 a.m. on July 3, and line-up begins at 9 a.m.
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