The Human Resources Council Gifts of Love Launch is coming up on November 4th from 11 am to 2 pm at Paris Coffee Company. Stop by and pick up an adoption card, make a donation, or learn more about the program.
Gifts of Love is a Christmas Gift Program for Seniors, Disabled Individuals, and Veterans. Meals on Wheels recipients sign up through the Human Resources Council, and then the agency puts adoption cards out in the community at various adoption sites and events. Community members who choose to adopt will pick up an adoption card and purchase using the information on the card. Once done, they’ll place the gift in a Christmas gift sack, and attach the adoption card to the outside of the bag before returning it to the adoption site.
“Our clients don’t ask for much. Typically, they’re asking for things you and I might take for granted, like shampoo, socks, and food. In fact, the average cost to adopt is less than $15.”
This year, Paris Coffee Company and South Main Iron will be our two adoption sites, but individuals, businesses, and organizations can also contact the agency at 903/784-2580 for bulk adoptions.
All gifts are due back by December 4th.
“We have over 600 seniors, disabled individuals, and veterans who need to be adopted this year. Without you and your generous gift, our clients would go without a gift under the tree this year.”