On Jan. 15, Officers stopped Kerria Deshawn Gunn (34) in the 1400 block of S Church St and arrested him on warrants for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Unlawful Possession of a firearm by a Felon. Gunn, who is a Felon allegedly threatened a family member with a firearm earlier this week. A search of his residence and vehicle netted two handguns. He was processed without incident.
On Jan. 16, a victim reported a vehicle burglary in the 3800 block of Lamar Avenue (Wal Mart). The victim had left her vehicle unlocked while she went in to shop. When she returned to the vehicle, the console was standing open and her handgun was missing. The firearm was entered as stolen in the NCIS system, evidence was collected and the case is under investigation.
On Jan. 16, Officers received a report of unlawful disclosure of sexually explicit material in which the offender was sending pictures of the reporting victim in sexual situations to numerous persons. The victim alleged that they did not know when the pictures were taken, but that they had not given permission for the suspect the send the pictures. The suspect, who is an ex-partner of the victim is sending the photos through social media applications. The investigation will continue on this Felony offense.
Officers made 23 traffic stops, 6 adult arrest, and answered 109 calls for service for this reporting period.