On Jan. 13, Chris Dewayne Brooks (24) was arrested at the Paris Parole Office on outstanding warrants for Burglary of a Building and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by a Felon. The arrest stemmed from a January 1 2025 Burglary of a Building in the 200 block of N. Collegiate. Paris Detectives, through processing and investigation of evidence were able to identify Brooks as one of the perpetrators of the crime. He was taken into custody without incident. While the weapon was not on his person at the time of the arrest, Brooks, already a convicted Felon, was found to be in possession of a handgun and ammunition.
On Jan. 13, an officer attempted to stop a driver in a vehicle going the wrong way in the 200 block of Bonham St after the vehicle drove through an accident scene. The driver initially pulled over but then sped away. The officer pursued the driver with all emergency equipment until the vehicle stopped in the 500 block of NW 2nd. The driver, Justin Wade Davis (30) then exited the vehicle armed with a pipe, which he dropped when ordered to. As the officer approached Davis, Davis began to resist handcuffing. A backup officer arrived and Davis broke away from the officers and fled on foot. He was located and finally taken into custody in the 500 block of NW 3rd St. Davis was charged with Evading Arrest in a Vehicle, Resisting Arrest, Evading Arrest on Foot, and Possession of Marijuana.
On Jan. 13, Officers worked a complaint of a suspect threatening a family member with a firearm in the 300 block of Stone Avenue. The victim said they were trying to break off a relationship with their partner, who became angry and produced a handgun, loaded it, and then pointed it at the victim’s head and body and made threats to kill the victim. Officers attempted to locate the suspect but could not. They did observe a handgun in the suspect’s vehicle, which was located. A search Warrant was obtained and the handgun in the vehicle was seized as well as other items from the victim and suspect’s residence. The suspect is a felon and is not allowed to possess firearms. Warrants are forthcoming and the investigation will continue.
Officers made 11 traffic stops, 5 adult arrest, and answered 88 calls for service for this reporting period