Upcycling with a purpose that is what one Central Texas man is doing, he is repurposing used Christmas trees to help disabled veterans have a cane.
“Your trash is another man’s treasure,” said Jamie Willis, founder of Canes for Veterans Central Texas. Who makes all of the canes himself either through donations or out of his own pocket.
According to KXXV news report, Willis has created over 200 canes since 2016. And it’s the donations of dressed down Christmas trees that help him develop the canes to send to vets in need.
The story received national attention this year, and Willis has received more than 1,000 trees since word got out. With the help of volunteers unloading trees, Willis is stocking up on inventory. Even local Home Depot and Lowes businesses’ chipped in with all of their leftover trees.
In addition to helping unload the trees, several veterans helped Willis trim them to be turned into canes.
“Thank you, everyone, so much for your interest in donating trees and giving kindness. However, we have a mass amount of trees and are running out of room. Although, when we strip the trees and move them around, we will be in contact with those who have wanted to donate. We do take monetary donations and donations of tools and such I have listed the specifics in a previous post, and it will also be listed in the comments as well. Thank you again,” Willis shared on social media.
If you don’t have a tree, you can donate to the cause through a GoFundMe page that he set up by CLICKING HERE.
“I never expected it to get this big, but the bigger it’s getting, the happier I am,” he told KXXV in an interview.
To learn more about what Willis does with his Canes for Veterans, you can contact him or follow him through his Facebook page, Canes For Veterans Central Texas.