Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom.
The bill was signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on June 19.
The GOP-drafted legislation mandates that a posted-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” be required in all public school classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities.
Questioning the law’s constitutionality, the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation announced they are jointly filing a lawsuit to challenge the new law.
However, supporters of the new law say the purpose of the measure is not solely religious, but that is has historical significance.
A four-paragraph “context statement” will also be paired with the displays (which will be paid through donations), describing how the Ten Commandments “were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries.”
The displays must be in classrooms by the start of 2025.