Amidst the growing number of coronavirus cases in Lamar County and state orders on crowd sizes, the ‘Celebrate America Parade’ originally set for Saturday, July 4, has been canceled.
Event organizers had originally hoped to move forward with the parade with this year’s theme being, ‘Honoring All’ be encouraging social distancing, however, for the safety of locals they made the decision to cancel.
At this time, the fireworks show is still set to go-ahead with officials strongly encouraging social distancing.
“The fireworks will be launched from behind the Love Civic Center,” said Lamar County Chamber of Commerce president Paul Allen. “There will not be stadium use this year, but the Paris Municipal Band will play under the pavilion located at the Love Civic Center.”
The fireworks show will be held on Friday, July 3, and will start at approximately 9:20 p.m.
Mr. Robert High will start the ceremony with an opening prayer at 8:00 p.m. and there will be food trucks located at the Love Civic Center.
“We encourage social distancing at all locations where you park to watch the fireworks. The Love Civic Center, Paris High School, Paris Junior High, and areas along Dragon Park may be utilized for your families to watch the fireworks,” added Allen. “We are very happy to be able to provide our community with this event which has been very popular each year. Though changes have occurred, we hope everyone enjoys getting outside and celebrating, but also staying safe.”